Our Golden Retrievers



Artemis is from Luna's very first litter and is our honey colored mama. She is sweet as punch and a lover. She has a special talent for noticing if your hand is empty and nudging her head into it for pets. Artemis comes from clear genetic & OFA lines. Her mama is a red field golden and sire is half standard golden, half English Cream. Weight: 63 pounds. 

Charleston Chew 'Charlie'



Poppy is from our first Luna + Asher litter and looks so much like her. We plan on breeding her later this year so look for some more red pups coming soon! Poppy is great with children & other dogs. Her dark red coat is stunning just like her mama's. 

Asher Sworn Protector Of Castlerock

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Sammi was our pick of the litter from our first Luna + Asher litter. She has her mama's beautiful silky coat and head shape, her daddy's sweet eyes, & gorgeous deep red color from both her parents. She was a stellar obedience school graduate & won the hearts of all her trainers. Weight: 63 pounds

Asher Sworn Protector Of Castlerock

Lady Luna of the Shire


Luna is our Queen Bee. She is the very first Golden we got as a family and though we are retiring her she is our ideal dog & cornerstone of our program. Her playful and sweet temperament captured our hearts from day one and has made many of our family and friends fall in love with her. We love her gorgeous red field golden color and soft silky coat. She is loyal and loves to be with our children more than anything. Luna is from clear genetic & OFC lines; her mama was from a show line & her sire from a hunting line of field goldens. Weight: 75 pounds

Sir Crosby


Lady Lola V